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  1. What was the fundraising challenge for this nonprofit?

A nonprofit that works to ensure animals are treated respectfully by humans and protected by the law wanted to better understand how branded calls might improve its “gifts” or donations generation process. Core to its fundraising efforts is voice calling campaigns to individuals who have shown prior interest in giving, but unanswered calls restrict their efforts to secure additional gifts and maximize the number of successful calls their team can make in a day.

  1. How did ĢƵ Enterprise Branded Calling help?

ĢƵ Enterprise Branded Calling delivers trusted call content on an incoming call screen that helps motivate consumers to answer the phone. With Enterprise Branded Calling, this nonprofit has an opportunity to increase the number of gifts and donations it receives by improving the efficiency of its voice channel efforts and increasing the productivity of its fundraising team.

  1. What was the outcome following the Enterprise Branded Calling pilot?

ĢƵ conducted an extensive trial of wireless phone users to determine the real-world impact branded calls would have on answer rates and the improvement was instantly noticeable. ĢƵ Enterprise Branded Calling increased the nonprofits’ customer engagement (answer) rate by 42%.


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